Pam Stefik
Karin Broton
judy Doyle
Beth Plummer
Ted Delis
Maureem and John Ryan
Mary Mosher
Virginia Lucas
Bob O’Malley
roberta kuhfuss
marisue kelly
peggy feeney
Marge Cramer
Jim and Mary Soyka
Kari and Jim Cornelison
Erin Tedesso
Jim and Nancy Gremo and Family
Adam and Abby Jung
beth butler
james and Mariaqnne Nardulli
Megan and Lloyd Davidson
tiny halloran
Mike Simenson
Margy and Randy Roberts
Ted Stoik
Marion Walsh
joan Raia
Jeremy Hayes
George Hayes
James and Linda Battaglia
walter and Pat Kelly
colleen and steve jennings
Colleen and Steve Jennings
mick and Cathy Donahue
amy schiller
Don Greifenkamp
Dan & Chris Devereux
Brian Weppner
Sharon Geils
Chris and MaryAnn
John and Georgia Salemme
Anthony and Noelle Shannon
Evans Family
John Cahill
susan mccoyd
Susan Mc Coyd
Pam Stefik
Karin Broton
judy Doyle
Beth Plummer
Ted Delis
Maureem and John Ryan
Mary Mosher
Virginia Lucas
Bob O’Malley
roberta kuhfuss
marisue kelly
marisue kelly
peggy feeney
Marge Cramer
Jim and Mary Soyka
Kari and Jim Cornelison
Erin Tedesso
Jim and Nancy Gremo and Family
Adam and Abby Jung
beth butler
james and Mariaqnne Nardulli
Megan and Lloyd Davidson
tiny halloran
Mike Simenson
Margy and Randy Roberts
Ted Stoik
Marion Walsh
joan Raia
Jeremy Hayes
George Hayes
James and Linda Battaglia
walter and Pat Kelly
colleen and steve jennings
Colleen and Steve Jennings
mick and Cathy Donahue
amy schiller
Don Greifenkamp
Dan & Chris Devereux
Brian Weppner
Sharon Geils
Chris and MaryAnn
John and Georgia Salemme
Anthony and Noelle Shannon
Evans Family
John Cahill
susan mccoyd
Susan Mc Coyd